Visuals Switzerland is the first NewTek IP Series certified centre in the Switzerland.

We offer demonstrations, professional advice and support services for our customers wishing to expand their production environment to IP, allowing virtually unlimited scalability.

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NDI technology

NDI is in use on millions of devices and allows multiple video systems to identify and communicate with one another over IP. NDI can encode, transmit and receive many streams of high quality, low latency, frame-accurate video and audio in real time. This benefits any network-connected video device, including video mixers, graphics systems, capture cards, and many other production devices. This makes it possible to exponentially increase the number of sources available for live production switching, without directly attaching to devices, changing locations, or investing in expensive, high-bandwidth networks that simply replace SDI-based workflows.
Explore unprecedented possibilities for connectivity, creativity, and control with IP—all while using the network infrastructure you have in place today. NDI®, NewTek’s innovative Network Device Interface technology, enables compatible systems, devices, and applications to connect and communicate over IP to share video, audio, and data.
Getting started with NDI® is equivalent to adding connected devices to your network at home or the office. But, with applications ranging from effortlessly simple to incredibly sophisticated, the potential for producers and content creators in broadcast, sports, esports, education, business,
